Africa Research Database (AfreDat) is a platform designed to preserve and widen access to research information in Africa. Our aim is to meet the need for increased global visibility of research publications, projects, dissertations, theses, articles and journals originating from or pertaining to Africa. AfreDat makes it possible for users to search scholarly publications held in OAI-compliant institutional repositories scattered across Africa, through a common interface.

AfreDat does not own copyright of any publication accessed via this portal. Copyright belongs to the host repository or the author(s) named in the publication. Therefore, we are not liable for copyright issues relating to any publication that is found using this portal.

It is our desire that this database meets your expectations. However, if it doesn’t, please feel free to contact us at with your queries and suggestions for improvement.


A Science Resources Africa partnership programme


Preserving and widening access to research information in Africa.